#lang plai-typed ;; Start with "function+parse.rkt" ;; Add a division operator, again, this ;; time updating the parser. ;; Add a negate operator (call it whatever you ;; want in concrete syntax). Negate works on ;; one number. (define-type ExprC [numC (n : number)] [idC (s : symbol)] [plusC (l : ExprC) (r : ExprC)] [multC (l : ExprC) (r : ExprC)] [divC (l : ExprC) (r : ExprC)] [negC (a : ExprC)] [appC (s : symbol) (arg : ExprC)]) (define-type FunDefC [fdC (name : symbol) (arg : symbol) (body : ExprC)]) ;; An expr-S-exp is either ;; - number ;; - symbol ;; - (list '+ expr-S-expr expr-S-expr) ;; - (list '* expr-S-expr expr-S-expr) ;; - (list '/ expr-S-expr expr-S-expr) ;; - (list 'negate expr-S-expr) ;; - (list symbol expr-S-expr) ;; A fundef-S-exp is ;; - (list 'define (list symbol symbol) arith-S-expr) (module+ test (print-only-errors true)) ;; parse ---------------------------------------- (define (parse [s : s-expression]) : ExprC (cond [(s-exp-number? s) (numC (s-exp->number s))] [(s-exp-symbol? s) (idC (s-exp->symbol s))] [(and (s-exp-list? s) (= 3 (length (s-exp->list s))) (s-exp-symbol? (first (s-exp->list s))) (eq? '+ (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list s))))) (plusC (parse (second (s-exp->list s))) (parse (third (s-exp->list s))))] [(and (s-exp-list? s) (= 3 (length (s-exp->list s))) (s-exp-symbol? (first (s-exp->list s))) (eq? '* (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list s))))) (multC (parse (second (s-exp->list s))) (parse (third (s-exp->list s))))] [(and (s-exp-list? s) (= 3 (length (s-exp->list s))) (s-exp-symbol? (first (s-exp->list s))) (eq? '/ (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list s))))) (divC (parse (second (s-exp->list s))) (parse (third (s-exp->list s))))] [(and (s-exp-list? s) (= 2 (length (s-exp->list s))) (s-exp-symbol? (first (s-exp->list s))) (eq? 'negate (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list s))))) (negC (parse (second (s-exp->list s))))] [(and (s-exp-list? s) (= 2 (length (s-exp->list s))) (s-exp-symbol? (first (s-exp->list s)))) (appC (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list s))) (parse (second (s-exp->list s))))] [else (error 'parse "invalid input")])) (define (parse-fundef [s : s-expression]) : FunDefC (cond [(and (s-exp-list? s) (= 3 (length (s-exp->list s))) (s-exp-symbol? (first (s-exp->list s))) (eq? 'define (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list s)))) (s-exp-list? (second (s-exp->list s))) (= 2 (length (s-exp->list (second (s-exp->list s))))) (s-exp-symbol? (first (s-exp->list (second (s-exp->list s))))) (s-exp-symbol? (second (s-exp->list (second (s-exp->list s)))))) (fdC (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list (second (s-exp->list s))))) (s-exp->symbol (second (s-exp->list (second (s-exp->list s))))) (parse (third (s-exp->list s))))] [else (error 'parse-fundef "invalid input")])) (module+ test (test (parse '2) (numC 2)) (test (parse `x) ; note: backquote instead of normal quote (idC 'x)) (test (parse '{+ 2 1}) (plusC (numC 2) (numC 1))) (test (parse '{* 3 4}) (multC (numC 3) (numC 4))) (test (parse '{/ 10 2}) (divC (numC 10) (numC 2))) (test (parse '{negate 10}) (negC (numC 10))) (test (parse '{+ {* 3 4} 8}) (plusC (multC (numC 3) (numC 4)) (numC 8))) (test (parse '{double 9}) (appC 'double (numC 9))) (test/exn (parse '{{+ 1 2}}) "invalid input") (test (parse-fundef '{define {double x} {+ x x}}) (fdC 'double 'x (plusC (idC 'x) (idC 'x)))) (test/exn (parse-fundef '{def {f x} x}) "invalid input") (define double-def (parse-fundef '{define {double x} {+ x x}})) (define quadruple-def (parse-fundef '{define {quadruple x} {double {double x}}}))) ;; interp ---------------------------------------- (define (interp [a : ExprC] [fds : (listof FunDefC)]) : number (type-case ExprC a [numC (n) n] [idC (s) (error 'interp "free variable")] [plusC (l r) (+ (interp l fds) (interp r fds))] [multC (l r) (* (interp l fds) (interp r fds))] [divC (l r) (/ (interp l fds) (interp r fds))] [negC (a) (- 0 (interp a fds))] [appC (s arg) (local [(define fd (get-fundef s fds))] (interp (subst (numC (interp arg fds)) (fdC-arg fd) (fdC-body fd)) fds))])) (module+ test (test (interp (parse '2) empty) 2) (test/exn (interp (parse `x) empty) "free variable") (test (interp (parse '{+ 2 1}) empty) 3) (test (interp (parse '{* 2 1}) empty) 2) (test (interp (parse '{+ {* 2 3} {+ 5 8}}) empty) 19) (test (interp (appC 'f (numC 2)) (list (fdC 'f 'x (divC (idC 'x) (numC 1))))) 2) (test (interp (parse '{double 8}) (list double-def)) 16) (test (interp (parse '{quadruple 8}) (list double-def quadruple-def)) 32) (test (interp (parse '{negate {+ 3 4}}) empty) -7)) ;; get-fundef ---------------------------------------- (define (get-fundef [s : symbol] [fds : (listof FunDefC)]) : FunDefC (cond [(empty? fds) (error 'get-fundef "undefined function")] [(cons? fds) (if (eq? s (fdC-name (first fds))) (first fds) (get-fundef s (rest fds)))])) (module+ test (test (get-fundef 'double (list double-def)) double-def) (test (get-fundef 'double (list double-def quadruple-def)) double-def) (test (get-fundef 'double (list quadruple-def double-def)) double-def) (test (get-fundef 'quadruple (list quadruple-def double-def)) quadruple-def) (test/exn (get-fundef 'double empty) "undefined function")) ;; subst ---------------------------------------- (define (subst [what : ExprC] [for : symbol] [in : ExprC]) (type-case ExprC in [numC (n) in] [idC (s) (if (eq? for s) what in)] [plusC (l r) (plusC (subst what for l) (subst what for r))] [multC (l r) (multC (subst what for l) (subst what for r))] [divC (l r) (divC (subst what for l) (subst what for r))] [negC (a) (negC (subst what for a))] [appC (s arg) (appC s (subst what for arg))])) (module+ test (test (subst (parse '8) 'x (parse '9)) (numC 9)) (test (subst (parse '8) 'x (parse `x)) (numC 8)) (test (subst (parse '8) 'x (parse `y)) (idC 'y)) (test (subst (parse '8) 'x (parse '{+ x y})) (parse '{+ 8 y})) (test (subst (parse '8) 'x (parse '{* y x})) (parse '{* y 8})) (test (subst (parse '8) 'x (parse '{negate 7})) (parse '{negate 7})) (test (subst (parse '8) 'x (parse '{double x})) (parse '{double 8})))