CS 3520 Homework 5

Due: Tuesday, October 13th, 2020 11:59pm

Difficulty:  ★★☆☆

Start with lambda+if0.rkt, which doesn’t already include recursive binding and also doesn’t include * for multiplication.

Part 1 — Syntactic Sugar for Recursive Bindings

Extend the parse function so that it supports a letrec form for recursive function bindings.

  <Exp> = ...
        | {letrec {[<Symbol> <Exp>]} <Exp>}

You must not change the interp function at all.

The October 7 lecture slides spell out how to extend the parser to make letrec work, especially at the end of part 4. You may find the following definition useful:

  (define mk-rec-fun
    `{lambda {body-proc}
       {let {[fX {lambda {fX}
                   {let {[f {lambda {x}
                              {{fX fX} x}}]}
                     {body-proc f}}}]}
        {fX fX}}})

The above definition makes sense only if you can keep track of different languages and how they interact. The mk-rec-fun definition above is a Plait definition. The value of mk-rec-fun is a representation of the concrete syntax of a Curly expression. If you pass mk-rec-fun to parse, you get a Plait value that is an interpretable representation of a Curly expression.


  (test (interp (parse `{letrec {[f {lambda {n}
                                      {if0 n
                                           {+ {f {+ n -1}} -1}}}]}
                          {f 10}})
          (numV -10))

Part 2 — Implementing a Two-Argument Function in Curly

Define the Plait constant plus as a representation of the concrete syntax of a Curly expression such that

   (interp (parse (list->s-exp (list (list->s-exp (list plus `n)) `m))) mt-env)

produces the same value as

   (interp (parse (list->s-exp (list `+ `n `m))) mt-env)

for any Plait number n and m.

In other words, you add a Plait definition

   (define plus `{lambda ....})

to the interepreter program, replacing the .... with somethig that creates the desired Curly function.

You should not change the interp or parse function for this part.

Part 3 — Implementing a Recursive Function in the Curly

Define the Plait constant times such that

   (interp (parse (list->s-exp (list (list->s-exp (list times `n)) `m))) mt-env)

produces the same value as (numV (* n m)) for any non-negative Plait integers n and m.

You should not change the interp or parse function for this part.

Last update: Tuesday, October 13th, 2020