My picture



The beautiful bountiful temple

Welcome to my first homepage.

I am doing this as part of the 1996 High School Computing Institute (HSCI). I have just learned HTML, so beware!: this page may be dangerous. But, it was a lot of fun to write. I also have gained valuable experience in HTML: I am now "web-literate"!


The High School Computing Institute is held at the University of Utah, in the Computer Science Department of the College of Engineering. I was invited because of my programming skills, and because I am a high school student who has good grades and a strong academic record. I am from West Jordan High School, but students from all around the state are invited to participate. But only the best few computer students in the entire state are invited. I feel honored to be in their presence.
Look at the 1996 Home Page!

HSCI at work

We're working on many different things. Obviously, writing web pages is one. We're also visiting computer companies near here, and learning about 3D modeling, expert systems, and UNIX in general. Probably the biggest plus of the whole activity is that we are given an account and allowed access to the UNIX machines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The major emphasis is that we must explore the offered activities on our own to learn. We only spend one hour a day (9-10AM) in the classroom, learning in a supervised environment. This allows me, an independent learner, to pick up on UNIX just as fast as I can take it -- I still haven't learned some of the things they want me to, because I have spent so much time exploring UNIX.


Temples mean a lot to me. They are holy places where God resides. There are many places where God's presence is near, but temples are His home. Not only do they look beautiful from the outside but they are even more beautiful on the inside.
The Manti Temple

Most non-members don't understand two basic facts about temples. But if you consider that the Church builds these edifices for God and not for men, you understand perfectly: only members who have proven their worthiness are allowed to enter the temples, and the things which happen inside are sacred, because God demands respect, and the rebellious or irreverent will only cause grief - for God and Man; also, the Church spends so much money on temples (over a million dollars on most temples) because only the very best that the Church can muster is acceptable before God ... this is a reference to the belief that we have, that God only helps us when we have already done our best.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is central to my life. My experiences with the guidlines of the Church have not been all positive: at one time in my life, I fought the "rules" because I had never really tried to live them, yet I felt restricted by them (because I wanted to escape them). When I finally made the effort gain my own testimony of the Restored Gospel, I found that it provided a strength completely beyond my own. Now that I have reshaped my life to the will of God, I have found that He makes me more than I ever was before. Words like "incredible", "inspiring", "divine" - those are words that I would use to describe His influence on my life.

More about
The top of a temple
My source of strength,
The title-image of the Official LDS Home Page
More LDS Pages The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Many temple pictures the pictures all come from: Zarahemla Book Shoppe

My Family

My wonderful family My family consists of:
(left to right, back to front)
  • My sister Andrea
    Andrea's Home Page
  • My brother Neal
  • David- that's me!
  • My sister Holly
  • My brother Thomas
  • My Mother and Father
    "...having been born of goodly parents..."
    - 1 Ne. 1:1
  • My brother Dallin
I love my family. Because of my great love for them, I look forward to living with them for eternity, after this life. I know that the Lord has promised this to all who are sealed for time and all eternity in His temples, and then serve Him valiantly for the rest of their lives.

My family and I have shared many choice experiences together. We love to spend time outdoors, camping, playing outdoor games like ultimate frisbee, circle tag, freeze tag, ball tag, hide-and-seek, kitty in a corner, blind man's bluff, red-light green-light, etc. We also play board games like Balderdash, Chess, Checkers, and Chinese Chess. It may sound like we spend a lot of time together -- it is true. Our church believes in "family home evening" every Monday night, which takes priority over T.V., work, church, school, and all other activities. It is time just to be together as a family and learn, play, have fun, grow, share ideas, communicate needs, and anything that friends would do together. It is a powerful tool, when used in conjunction with the other tools we have, to fight the breakdown of the family.

Some interesting links:

At the University of Utah
  • Department of Computer Science homepage.
  • Home page for the College of Engineering.
  • Sample image The High School Computing Institute home page.

Help on writing
home pages:

o The Virtual Tourist

o The Dilbert Comic Strip

o The San Francisco Exploratorium Exploratorium Title Icon

o Current US Weather Map Weather Icon

o Yes, The state of Utah has a homepage! Delicate Arch, Utah

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