Multicore Computing
CS 5966 / 6966
Software Updates

Table of Contents

1  Updates on running Cilk (what worked for many) - 32-bit compilation

I would suggest you try the following.

1. set path = ($path /usr/local/stow/cilk/cilk-5.4.6/bin/)
   For some reason, cilkc is recognized only if set $path and not $PATH.

2. Once we have the path set cilkc command is recognized and we can  compile and run any *.cilk programs.

3 Copy cilksort.cilk along with getoptions.h and getoptions.c to  a different folder.

Since there was a Makefile in the examples directory, it was able  to associate getoptions.h with getoptions.c.

4. Please make following changes to the code.

   Open cilksort.cilk
   change #include<getoptions.h> to #include "getoptions.c"
   Open getoptions.c
   change #include<getoptions.h> to #include "getoptions.h"

After this, cilkc -cilk-profile -cilk-span -o cilksort.cilk
  and then, ./cilksort --nproc 2 --stats 1

2  Steps for Running 32/64-bit Compilation

Here are the steps with the most basic compile options for obtaining a 32-bit or 64-bit binary. You may add other compiler flags as necessary

1) Create the symbolic links cilkc32 and cilkc64 with the following commands:

ln -s /usr/local/stow/cilk/amd64/cilk-5.4.6/bin/cilkc cilkc64
ln -s /usr/local/stow/cilk/cilk-5.4.6/bin/cilkc cilkc32

2) Compile getoptions.c:

32bit on buckley:
gcc -B/usr/local/stow/glibc/glibc-2.4/lib -I. -c getoptions.c -o getoptions32.o

32bit on nabokov:
gcc -I. -c getoptions.c -o getoptions32.o

64bit on buckley and nabokov:
env PATH=/usr/bin gcc -I. -c getoptions.c -o getoptions64.o

3) Compile cilksort.cilk:

32bit on buckley:
./cilkc32 -Wc,-B/usr/local/stow/glibc/glibc-2.4/lib -I. getoptions32.o
cilksort.cilk -o cilksort32

32bit on nabokov:
./cilkc32 -I. getoptions32.o cilksort.cilk -o cilksort32

64bit on buckley and nabokov:
env PATH=/usr/bin ./cilkc64 -I. getoptions64.o cilksort.cilk -o cilksort64

3  Running Inspect on nabokov (may work on other machines..)

  1. Add these paths to your environment (tcsh) by typing:

    set path = (/home/szubzda/inspect/bin /home/szubzda/local/bin $path)

    Now if you type set, it should print
    path (/home/szubzda/inspect/bin /home/szubzda/local/bin of path..)

  2. Now which instrument should print /home/szubzda/inspect/bin/instrument

  3. Instrument a source file <example.c> to produce the file <example>.instr.c by typing instrument <example>.c

  4. Now, which compile must print


  5. Now compile the instrumented file to produce the binary "target" by typing

    compile <example>.instr.c

  6. Now run inspect by typing

    inspect --save-trace ./target

    The relative path to target is necessary. The "--save-trace" option produces a trace of the test in the file "trace".

  7. Examine the trace with emacs:

    emacs -l /home/szubzda/inspect/inspect-mode.el <example>.c

    Make sure the emacs used is /home/szubzda/local/bin/emacs (which emacs will help you). This is version 22 which is required. The "-l" option loads the lisp code in inspect-mode.el. The file to be viewed is the original source <example>.c. From the <example>.c buffer execute the command "inspect-trace" and locate the "trace" file. Command execution is done with M-x where M is Meta and is either alt or escape. Two resulting buffers of interest are *inspect-error-trace*, the default which displays the trace leading to the error condition, and *inspect-first-run-trace*, which is the trace of the first execution of the target. By selecting a line and pressing enter, emacs will direct the cursor in the source buffer the corresponding line.

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.