CS 5510 Homework 5

Due: Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 11:59pm

Start with variable.rkt.

Part 1 — Records with Store

Extend the interpreter to support the construction of records with named fields, and to support field selection from a record (as in record.rkt):

  <Expr> = ...
         | {record {<Sym> <Expr>}*}
         | {get <Expr> <Sym>}

Adding records means that the language now has three kinds of values: numbers, functions, and records. At run-time, an error may occur because a record is misused as a number or function, a number or function is supplied to get, or a record supplied to get does not have the named field, and so on. Your error message for the last case should include the words “no such field”, otherwise you can make up your own error messages.

Expressions within a record form should be evaluated when the record form itself is evaluated. For example,

  {let {[x 0]}
    {let {[r {record {a x}}]}
       {set! x 1}
       {get r a}}}}

should produce 0, not 1, because x is evaluated when the record expression is evaluated, not when the get expression is evaluated.

Note that you will not be able to use map to interp field values, since a store must be carried from one field’s evaluation to the next. Instead, interping the field value will be more like interping a sequence of expressions for begin.

For homework purposes, we don’t want to nail down the representation of a record value, because there are many choices. The examples below therefore use interp-expr, which you should define as a wrapper on interp that takes just an ExprC and produces just an S-expression: an S-expression number if interp produces any number, the S-expression `function if interp produces a closure, or the S-expression `record if interp produces a record value.


  (test (interp-expr (parse '{+ 1 4}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{record {a 10} {b {+ 1 2}}}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{get {record {a 10} {b {+ 1 0}}} b}))
  (test/exn (interp-expr (parse '{get {record {a 10}} b}))
            "no such field")
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{get {record {r {record {z 0}}}} r}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{get {get {record {r {record {z 0}}}} r} z}))

Part 2 — Mutating Records

Add a set form that modifies the value of a record field imperatively (as opposed to functional update):

  <Expr> = ...
          | {set <Expr> <Sym> <Expr>}

Evaluation of a record expression allocates a location for each of its fields. A get expression accesses from the record produced by the sub-expression the value in the location of the field named by the identifier. A set form changes the value in the location for a field; the value of the second sub-expression in set determines the field’s new value, and that value is also the result of the set expression.


  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[r {record {x 1}}]}
                               {get r x}}))

  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[r {record {x 1}}]}
                                 {set r x 5}
                                 {get r x}}}))

  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[g {lambda {r} {get r a}}]}
                               {let {[s {lambda {r} {lambda {v} {set r b v}}}]}
                                 {let {[r1 {record {a 0} {b 2}}]}
                                   {let {[r2 {record {a 3} {b 4}}]}
                                     {+ {get r1 b}
                                          {{s r1} {g r2}}
                                          {+ {begin
                                               {{s r2} {g r1}}
                                               {get r1 b}}
                                             {get r2 b}}}}}}}}))

Part 3 — Records with a No-Such-Field Handler

Your interpreter to support a record/handle form, in addition to record, and an error form:

  <Expr> = ...
         | {record/handle <Expr> {<Sym> <Expr>}*}
         | {error <String>}

A record/handle form creates a record, just like record would with the same fields. However, when a get operation on a record/handle result attempts to access a field that is not present in the record, the <Expr> provided after the record/handle keyword is evaluated to produce the result of the get. Meanwhile, the error form should raise an error with the given message string.

In particular,

  {record {x 1} {y 2}}

is equivlent to

  {record/handle {error "no such field"} {x 1} {y 2}}

and you should consider implementing record that way.

The handler expression for a record/handle-produced value is not used with set.


  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[r {record/handle 5 {x 1}}]}
                               {get r x}}))

  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[r {record/handle 5 {x 1}}]}
                               {get r y}}))

  (test/exn (interp-expr (parse '{let {[r {record/handle {error "ouch"} {x 1}}]}
                                   {get r y}}))

  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[r {record/handle {error "ouch"} {x 1}}]}
                               {get r x}}))

Last update: Monday, September 28th, 2015