;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrScheme. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(planet plai/plai:1:3/lang/reader) (require xml net/url mzlib/thread mzlib/etc) ;; An args is ;; (listof (cons symbol string)) ;; dispatch-table : (listof (cons string ((listof string) args -> ))) (define dispatch-table null) ;; add-handler : string ((listof string) args -> ) -> void ;; Adds a handler to the dispatch table. The handler ;; is called for a request that matches the given name. (define (add-handler name handler) (set! dispatch-table (cons (cons name handler) dispatch-table))) ;; serve: -> ;; Runs a web server to handle GET requests through ;; dispatch-table (define (serve [port-number 8080]) ;; The `run-server' function is about 55 lines in ;; plt/collects/mzlib/thread.ss ;; It starts a TCP listener, farms each accepted ;; connection to a new thread, and terminates the ;; thread if it runs too long. (run-server ;; Port number: port-number ;; Handler: (lambda (in out) (let ([m (regexp-match #rx"^GET (.+) HTTP/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\r" (read-line in))]) (when m ;; Discard rest of request header (up to blank line): (regexp-match #rx#"(?-s:^\r$)" in) ;; Dispatch (return-page (dispatch (cadr m)) in out)))) ;; Timeout in msec: 60000)) ;; dispatch : string -> ;; Handles the given path, sending a reply back through ;; the current output port, then jumping to (current-done-k) (define (dispatch path) (let* ([url (string->url path)] [base (map path/param-path (url-path url))] [h (assoc (car base) dispatch-table)]) (if h ((cdr h) base (url-query url)) `(html (head (title "Error")) (body (font ((color "red")) "Unknown page: " ,path)))))) ;; return-page : xexpr -> ;; Doesn't return; it prints the given page to the current out ;; port, then terminates the thread (define (return-page xexpr in out) ;; Send response (display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" out) (display "Server: k\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" out) (display (xexpr->string xexpr) out) (newline out) ;; Close (and flush) ports (close-input-port in) (close-output-port out)) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Running-total servlet using state (define total 0) ;; a-handler : string args -> (define (a-handler base args) `(html (head (title "Running total")) (body (p "Current value: " ,(number->string total)) (p (a ((href "/a2")) "+2")) (p (a ((href "/a3")) "+3"))))) ;; a2-handler : string args -> (define (a2-handler base args) (set! total (+ total 2)) (a-handler base args)) ;; a3-handler : string args -> (define (a3-handler base args) (set! total (+ total 3)) (a-handler base args)) (add-handler "a" a-handler) (add-handler "a2" a2-handler) (add-handler "a3" a3-handler) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Clone-friendly running-total servlet ;; b-handler : string args -> (define (b-handler base args) (do-b 0)) (define (do-b total) `(html (head (title "Running total")) (body (p "Current value: " ,(number->string total)) (p (a ((href ,(format "/b2?val=~a" total))) "+2")) (p (a ((href ,(format "/b3?val=~a" total))) "+3"))))) ;; b2-handler : string args -> (define (b2-handler base args) (do-b (+ 2 (string->number (cdr (assoc 'val args)))))) ;; b3-handler : string args -> (define (b3-handler base args) (do-b (+ 3 (string->number (cdr (assoc 'val args)))))) (add-handler "b" b-handler) (add-handler "b2" b2-handler) (add-handler "b3" b3-handler) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; web-read/k (define table (make-hash)) (define (remember v) (let ([key (symbol->string (gensym))]) (hash-set! table key v) key)) (define (lookup key) (hash-ref table key)) (define (web-read/k prompt cont) (let ([key (remember cont)]) `(html (head (title "Web Read")) (body ,prompt (form ([action "/resume-k"] [method "get"]) (input ([type "text"] [name "value"] [value ""])) (input ([type "submit"] [name "enter"] [value "Enter"])) (input ([type "hidden"] [name "key"] [value ,key]))))))) (define (resume-k-handler base args) ((lookup (cdr (assoc 'key args))) (read (open-input-string (cdr (assoc 'value args)))))) (add-handler "resume-k" resume-k-handler) (define (web-pause/k prompt cont) (let ([key (remember cont)]) `(html (head (title "Web Pause")) (body ,prompt (p (a ((href ,(format "/p-resume-k?key=~a" key))) "continue")))))) (define (p-resume-k-handler base args) ((lookup (cdr (assoc 'key args))))) (add-handler "p-resume-k" p-resume-k-handler) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Servlet that uses web-read/k (define (g-handler base args) (do-g 0)) (define (do-g total) (web-read/k (format "Total is ~a" total) (lambda (val) (do-g (+ val total))))) (add-handler "g" g-handler) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; More servlets (define (h-handler base args) (do-h identity)) (define (do-h cont) (web-read/k "First number" (lambda (v1) (web-read/k "Second number" (lambda (v2) (cont (number->string (+ v1 v2)))))))) (add-handler "h" h-handler) (define (i-handler base args) (do-i identity)) (define (do-i cont) (do-h (lambda (h-result) (web-pause/k h-result (lambda () (do-h cont)))))) (add-handler "i" i-handler) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; To start the server (call doesn't return): ; (serve)