Hints from the CS5964 Students from Spring 2008

Adam Lloyd

James Anjewierden - What I learned in Machinima

  1. It's only too close of a camera shot if you clip the actor's face.
  2. Dummies can't stand in for NPCs when someone else is talking. Reactions!
  3. Something will go wrong.  START EARLY!
  4. No stealing IP.  No, wait, just don't ask permission.
  5. No Children, no Animals/Zombies, no capes.
  6. Don't manually time cameras. Use triggers.
  7. Bring a pillow to the lab.
  8. Remember where the security cameras are in the lab when you bring food.
  9. Avoid flame entities, sparks, etc. At least by the camera: The env_sounds produced by the engine overpower audio often.
  11. Play to the game's strong points.  If you use HL2 do space, Fistfull of Frags for Western, Dark Messiah for medieval, etc.  It is more effective to change the game for a different setting than force denim jumpsuits into western wear.  Likewise, complex animations that aren't found in the game ARENT IN THE GAME so you can't do them. I.E. if you can't find wrestling moves don't do a WWF parody.
  13. Don't wait for other teams/team members for content.  If something relies on someone else move on and then go back to it.  Don't waste time.
  14. Avoid lyrics in your music.
  15. AUTOMATE! Shift-Drag is your friend!
  16. Making Custom textures can be easy, don't be afraid to use VTFEdit.
  17. Use as many camera angles as you can.
  18. No more Target->Ignite.  It was only funny in Frohman (the first time).
  19. Leave wriggle room for post process.  Things get cut in editing and if there is nothing to cut then your movie shortens.
  20. Use one mic in one soundproof-ish place.
  21. No player controlled cameras!
  22. Creative Commons is our friend.
  23. Valve spent a ton of time on set design for the game.  Use it.
  24. Use Info_Target to aim cameras.  Place it at the neck for most cameras.
  25. Make it happy, make it light, make it gayyyy. Drama is best: too much comedy and you'll lose the audience too little and they become bored. Notable exceptions were CLUE and Telltale, but had those been longer people would have become disinterested.  The video-game atmosphere lends itself to the machinimas not taking themselves seriously.
  26. Script is more important than the special effects
  27. GMAIL threads are a great thing.
  28. Three Letters: SVN
  29. Communication is beyond critical.  Make clear assignments on the project and follow up.

Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes

Alex Evans

Christopher Bireley

Derrick Birkes

Mike Bond

Brandon Hansen

Casey Shaw

Edward Cask

Kolton Casper

Chad Spencer

Curtis Lindstrom

Curtis Madsen

Kristina Doing-Harris

Kendal Gifford

Xudong He

Charlie Hess

Ben Hillis

Brent Hosie

Jason Scott

Jesse Wright

John Tidwell

Mark Hopkins

Adam Montero

Patricia Hendricks

Sergey Potupchik

Qiushi Wang

Reiner Campos

Robert Rollins

Chris Schwerdt

Ben Servoz

Shawn Hall

Alex Simashov

Kyle Stewart

Josh Sumner

Tyson Anderson

Daniel Van Tassell

Scott Morley

Brett Walker